A puppy is moving in. Our tips for a great start

If you have decided to adopt a puppy, there is a lot to know, plan and consider. We will tell you how you can successfully lay the foundation for a lifelong, happy life together.

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First steps:

Let your puppy explore his new home at his own pace. Show him where to go straight away, because excitement always affects puppies' bladders. And even if you would like to show the whole world your cute puppy, don't invite friends and relatives over for the first few days. The newcomer will only be frightened by the hustle and bustle. Instead, let the two of you "sniff" each other out in peace and build trust.

To ensure that the puppy doesn't have any nasty surprises on its exploration tour, the apartment or house must be made "dog-proof" before it moves in. It is important to remove poisonous houseplants and secure electrical cables that could be chewed. Carpets should also be removed temporarily, as puppies particularly like to relieve themselves on soft surfaces.

Puppies love to cuddle and prefer baskets or beds with raised edges, as these "walls" provide security. In any case, the dog bed should be near you at night, at least for the first few weeks, so that your furry friend doesn't feel lonely. This also helps you notice more quickly when his bladder is pressing, as puppies need to go out several times a night.

Some also let the puppy sleep in a transport box, which can also be used for safe travel in the car.

Our tip: Put one of your worn T-shirts in the puppy's bed. The familiar scent will ensure that the little one feels safe. You can also use this trick when you train your four-legged friend to be alone. With a piece of clothing that smells like you, the challenge is only half as great. This is also the reason why many dogs drag shoes into their basket when their owner is away: the familiar scent gives them a sense of security.

Puppy initial equipment

The basic equipment for your dog should of course include a drinking bowl, a feeding bowl and puppy food. Ask the breeder or previous owner what food the junior has been fed so far, because you should avoid changing food at first. A new home and unfamiliar food - that can upset your four-legged friend's stomach. To begin with, offer your little dog food three times a day, after a few months you can reduce this to twice a day.

The initial equipment:

At Dogsmopolitan you can of course get the perfect initial equipment as a puppy owner. Make sure you save our list.

Checklist for initial puppy equipment

  • Bowls
  • a well-fitting collar
  • Chest harness
  • rope
  • Towline
  • Dog bed
  • Ceiling
  • toy
  • Chewing bones for puppies,
  • treats
  • toy
  • Shampoo for puppies
  • Puppy brush
  • Poop bags